
Panchajanya Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation with a goal to create and sustain initiatives to contribute to a just, equitable, humane and sustainable society. The Foundation’s work is aimed at enriching and enhancing the capabilities of individuals to achieve well-being and harmony with respect to ‘Akshara’ – knowledge, ‘Arogya’ – health and ‘Adhyatma’ – spiritual and moral values.

The foundation aims at providing these facilities to the needy without any discrimination of caste, creed, colour or gender. The Foundation does this through integrated approaches along with individuals and volunteers who support the foundation to achieve the key objectives.

On June 3, 2012, the foundation was officially inaugurated to ensure its activities are driven in a structured manner to reach the larger masses in supporting the needy, in addressing the basic necessities like education, health and in understanding the spiritual and philosophical values of life. The foundation aims at providing these facilities to the needy without any differentiation of caste, creed, colour or gender. The Foundation does this through integrated approaches along with individuals and volunteers who support the foundation to achieve the key objectives.

Key Objectives of Panchajanya Foundation

Identify & recognize talent‘Akshara’ extend support to educate the needy & less privileged people

Identify & support‘Arogya’ extend support those who are in need of the basic medical care

Public communication and advocacy‘Adyathma’ intends to inculcate strong spiritual and philosophical values for people of all ages